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David Jacob Beckett

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Série et histoire  Date  Scénariste(s) / Dessinateur(s) / Encreur(s)
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the Sith war #2 The Battle of Coruscant09/1995Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / David Jacob Beckett, Jordi Ensign, Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the Sith war #3 The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma10/1995Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / David Jacob Beckett, Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the Sith war #4 Jedi Holocaust11/1995Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / David Jacob Beckett, Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the Sith war #5 Brother Against Brother12/1995Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / David Jacob Beckett, Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the Sith war #6 Dark Lord01/1996Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / David Jacob Beckett, Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the fall of the Sith Empire #1 Desparate Measures06/1997Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black, David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the fall of the Sith Empire #2 Forces in Collision07/1997Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr., Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black / David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the fall of the Sith Empire #3 First Encounter08/1997Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr., Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black / David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the fall of the Sith Empire #4 The Dogs of War09/1997Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr., Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black / David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: the fall of the Sith Empire #5 End of an Empire10/1997Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr., Mark Heike (as Mark G. Heike), Bill Black / David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Jedi Academy: Leviathan #1 <Untitled>10/1999Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / Mark Heike, Bill Black, David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Jedi Academy: Leviathan #2 <Untitled>11/1999Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / Mark Heike, Bill Black, David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Jedi Academy: Leviathan #3 <Untitled>12/1999Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / Mark Heike, Bill Black, David Jacob Beckett
Star Wars: Jedi Academy: Leviathan #4 <Untitled>01/2000Kevin J. Anderson / Dario Carrasco Jr. / Mark Heike, Bill Black, David Jacob Beckett

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